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Avoiding food-borne illness

April 29, 2014

Every year, substantial numbers of Australians are struck with some manner of food borne illness. According to the Food Safety Information Council, these numbers, which have been escalating throughout recent years, have recently reached over five million affected people per annum.

Food poisoning causes

The reasons behind this jump in food poisoning cases are simple. As we search for ways to make our lives quicker and more convenient, the way that we eat and prepare food is beginning to change. Australians are eating out more instead of cooking at home, and we’re more likely than ever to eat pre-prepared food instead of fresh.

Avoiding food-borne illness

The Food Safety Information Council have released the following tips to help consumers avoid food-borne illnesses in Australia.

1. Pay attention to produce dates. Even though food can taste, look, and smell good long after it has expired, it is still capable of making you ill. If you’ve gone over the dates that are listed on your packaging, throw the food away.

2. Be selective about where you choose to purchase your food. You should never eat in establishments that you do not believe are clean and hygienic.

3. When you’re shopping, remember to collect your non-perishable items first and leave prepared foods, frozen foods, and chilled foods until last.

4. Be careful about how you transport food, especially as the temperature begins to rise. You shouldn’t place food products in the boot of your car, where they can quickly gather heat – instead, place the produce in an air-conditioned space.

5. Do not purchase any food that comes in compromised, open, or damaged packaging. Rips in food packaging can provide a perfect entryway for pests, viruses and bacteria to infect your food.

And above all, trust your instincts. If you suspect an item of food may be contaminated, throw it away. It is always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to food safety and the health of you and your family.