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Food Safety Supervisor Course

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Food Safety Supervisor Course for Cafe Supervisors

December 14, 2023

Australians love coffee, and with 52,000 cafes to choose from nationwide, it isn’t hard for consumers to get their caffeine fix. These establishments aren’t just about beverages though, cafes and coffee shops are becoming a destination for food lovers too, with menus now expanding beyond the usual offerings of sandwiches, salads and pastries.

As food becomes an increasingly integral part of cafe culture, so too does the implementation of food safety procedures. For cafe supervisors in Australia, it isn’t just a moral duty to ensure that food is prepared, handled and served safely and hygienically; there are legal responsibilities to take into account too. This includes adhering to food safety regulations imposed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), such as Standard 3.2.2A.

FSANZ Standard 3.2.2A is especially robust, both in terms of its requirements and the penalties associated with non-compliance. To avoid the severe consequences of breaching this code, it’s essential that cafe businesses take part in the Food Safety Supervisor course.

This blog will guide you through the key elements of the Food Safety Supervisor course, emphasising its significance for cafe supervisors in the hospitality industry. Before we explore the course in more detail, let’s discuss the laws and regulations that necessitate its existence.

How Does Standard 3.2.2A Impact Cafe Supervisors?

Much like chefs, kitchen hands and other food handling staff in the hospitality sector, cafe supervisors are subject to the guidelines set out by FSANZ Standard 3.2.2A. This legislation requires food businesses to follow strict safety protocols in relation to food handling, food safety supervision and record management.

As far as the food safety supervision element of this is concerned, it’s training that takes centre stage. Standard 3.2.2A mandates that cafes engaged in food preparation, service and delivery must appoint a designated Food Safety Supervisor who has completed the relevant training program.

Certification can only be obtained by participating in a government-approved Food Safety Supervisor course.

What Does a Food Safety Supervisor in a Cafe Do?

There are five key duties that must be performed by a Food Safety Supervisor to ensure that their cafe business meets the requirements of Standard 3.2.2A:

  • Training and supervising kitchen staff.
  • Liaising with Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) where required.
  • Developing and implementing a Food Safety Plan based on HACCP principles.
  • Maintaining accurate records relating to food safety procedures.
  • Taking corrective actions when food safety issues arise.

Who Are Considered Food Safety Supervisors?

Food Safety Supervisors are qualified individuals who take official responsibility for ensuring food safety procedures are followed by food handling staff at all times. This role is typically conducted by senior team members such as owners, managers or supervisors. 

Whoever is nominated as a Food Safety Supervisor must be certified through a Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

What Does Food Safety Supervisor Training Include?

Food Safety First delivers an online Food Safety Supervisor course created in accordance with government-specified curriculum requirements. The purpose of the program is to support cafe supervisors with the implementation and monitoring of food safety procedures through enhanced knowledge and expertise.

Course participants can expect to learn all about the following:

  • Food Safety Programs
  • Cleaning & Sanitising
  • Hand Washing
  • Food Safety Management
  • Monitoring, Controlling & Correcting Food Safety Hazards
  • Serving Food Safely
  • Personal Hygiene & Workplace Behaviour
  • Receiving & Storing Food
  • Identifying Food Safety Hazards
  • Reporting, Investigating & Recording Food Safety Breaches
  • Time & Temperature Control
  • Working with Food Safely
  • Allergen Management
  • Food Contamination & High-Risk Groups
  • Illness & Onsite Injuries
  • Maintaining Food Premises
  • Biological Contamination
  • Other Types of Contamination
  • Food Safety Laws & Responsibilities

Is There a Food Safety Supervisor Exam?

Food Safety First students are not required to sit any exams or written tests. Instead, four interactive assessment tasks must be completed at various points during the Food Safety Supervisor course to verify subject knowledge:

1. Lesson Quizzes

At the end of each lesson there is a multiple choice quiz to complete. Students have up to five attempts in which to score 100% before progressing to the next section of the course.

2. Reading Activity

The reading activity section covers the subject of potentially hazardous foods. To complete this task, participants must download a PDF document, read it in detail, and answer a series of multiple choice questions.

3. Case Studies

There are two case studies* included as part of the assessment process. These are designed to test whether students are able to apply their newly acquired knowledge to real-life scenarios. After reading each case study, a series of multiple choice questions must be correctly answered in order to move onto the next stage.
*Participants in New South Wales are required to complete three additional case studies relating to cleaning and sanitising, allergen management and safe egg handling practices.

4. Observer Report

The Observer Report is the only practical aspect of the course. It requires students to conduct physical tasks such as hand washing while under the observation of a designated colleague or fellow food industry professional. The observer must then submit a written report to verify successful completion.

Is a Certificate Awarded for Completing the Food Safety Supervisor Course?

Upon successfully completing the Food Safety Supervisor Course, participants are awarded a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment. This official certification summarises the units of competency achieved and may be required as proof of compliance if an Environmental Health Officer requests evidence during a routine inspection.

How Long Does a Food Safety Supervisor Certificate Last?

A Statement of Attainment is valid for five years and must be renewed before expiry in order to retain certification as required by Standard 3.2.2A.

What Units of Competency Do Cafe Food Safety Supervisors Need?

Cafes and coffee shops that serve food for consumption in-house are considered to be Category 1 businesses within the hospitality sector. As such, cafe supervisors are required to achieve the following units of competency in order to obtain Food Safety Supervisor certification:

SITXFSA005 (Use hygienic practices for food safety)

This unit introduces fundamental food safety practices, such as personal hygiene, safe food handling, cleaning and sanitising, and food hygiene.

SITXFSA006 (Participate in safe food handling practices)

This unit covers the practical aspects of safe food handling, including temperature control, contamination prevention and safe food storage.

What Are the Key Benefits of Food Safety Supervisor Training?

The Food Safety Supervisor course is advantageous to businesses, employees and consumers alike. Here are the top 3 reasons why you should participate:

1. Reduced Risk

Enhancing food safety knowledge and skills helps reduce the risk of contamination and food-borne illnesses.

2. Legal Compliance

The appointment of a certified Food Safety Supervisor is legally required in accordance with Standard 3.2.2A.

3. Business Reputation

Customers are more likely to trust businesses that take a methodical approach to food safety.

What Makes a Good Food Safety Supervisor?

A combination of technical and professional skills is vital in order to succeed in the role of Food Safety Supervisor. Here are some core competencies that businesses should look for when considering candidates for this position:

1. Food Safety Knowledge

Some candidates for the role of Food Safety Supervisor will have existing knowledge and skills acquired through career experience. A prior understanding of critical food safety procedures such as allergen management, food contamination, cleaning and sanitising will act as a solid foundation for what they will learn during the Food Safety Supervisor course.

2. Practical Application

Being able to put food safety theory into practice is a common trait among successful Food Safety Supervisors. The Food Safety Supervisor course helps develop this skill further through case study activities as well as an Observer Report section where practical skills are assessed in real work environments.

3. Leadership Skills

A Food Safety Supervisor is responsible for leading the implementation of the Food Safety Program. In part, this requires them to act as a mentor for Food Handlers. They’re also the main point of contact for food safety queries, both internally and externally. Effective leadership skills are essential.

4. Commitment to Compliance

Food Safety Supervisors must understand the importance of legal compliance. A commitment to food safety is pivotal when it comes to upholding the health and well-being of consumers.

5. Communication Skills

An ability to provide clear and concise guidance to food handling staff is essential. Food Safety Supervisors should be comfortable giving instructions, listening to feedback and answering questions concerning food safety.

It’s important to note that even somebody who exhibits all of the above skills and expertise will require professional Food Safety Supervisor training to meet the standards required by Standard 3.2.2A.

Certification Is Closer Than You Think

The Food Safety Supervisor course is ideal for cafe supervisors looking to bolster their food safety knowledge and meet the requirements of Standard 3.2.2A. Register today to take part in an accredited training program featuring industry-specific units of competency and obtain certification within a matter of hours.

Want to find out more before enrolling? Contact us to discover all the benefits Food Safety First training has to offer.