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Food Safety Supervisor Course

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Food Safety Supervisor Course for Hospitality

December 16, 2023

If you work in the hospitality industry, you're probably familiar with the importance of maintaining high standards of food safety. In Australia, ensuring that food is prepared, handled and served in a safe and hygienic manner is not just a best practice; it's a legal requirement imposed by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ).

Compliance with FSANZ Standard 3.2.2A is strictly monitored, so businesses must ensure that their staff are certified in food safety practices. This is where the Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality comes into play.

In this detailed guide, we'll explore the Food Safety Supervisor course in more detail, outlining  its significance in relation to the hospitality sector. Whether you're a restaurant owner, a chef, or a frontline staff member, understanding the ins and outs of this course is crucial for the safety of your customers and the reputation of your business.

How Does Standard 3.2.2A Impact Hospitality?

FSANZ Standard 3.2.2A requires any establishment involved in food preparation, service, or delivery to appoint at least one designated Food Safety Supervisor – this includes hospitality businesses.

Food Safety Supervisor training is industry specific, with different course content for Hospitality, Transport & Distribution, Health & Community, Food Processing and Retail. Be sure to learn more about what is required for your particular business sector.

Business Classification

FSANZ categorises businesses according to the potential risk they pose to consumers. Those operating in the hospitality industry are grouped in Category 1 under Standard 3.2.2A. This category includes all establishments that prepare and serve food for customers to consume in-house:

  • Restaurants
  • Cafes
  • Hotels
  • Nightclubs and bars
  • Conference, exhibition and event caterers
  • Educational institutions
  • Care facilities
  • Correctional facilities
  • Hospitals
  • Cafeterias and canteens
  • Fast food outlets
  • Kiosks
  • In-flight and other transport caterers

Maintaining Food Safety in the Hospitality Industry

The Australian hospitality sector is worth over $58 billion (AUD) and employs approximately 850,000 people – it’s a big industry with big responsibilities when it comes to customer safety. Not only must hospitality businesses comply with food safety legislation, but they should also act ethically when it comes to the health and wellbeing of customers.

Food Safety First is a nationally recognised training provider that is trusted by the government and hospitality establishments all over Australia to deliver a Food Safety Supervisor course that equips staff with the knowledge and skills they need when faced with the unique challenges of the hospitality industry.

Read on to learn more about the Food Safety Supervisor course and the benefits associated with it.

What Does a Hospitality Food Safety Supervisor Do?

The Food Safety Supervisor plays a vital role in overseeing and implementing safe food procedures within a food business. Here are six things they will be expected to do on a regular basis:

  1. Monitor food safety procedures
  2. Train and supervise Food Handlers
  3. Maintain accurate records of food safety practices
  4. Develop and implement a Food Safety Plan based on HACCP principles.
  5. Take corrective actions to address food safety issues
  6. Ensure compliance with food safety legislation

What Are the Training Requirements for a Hospitality Food Safety Supervisor?

The Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality is a mandatory training program designed to provide individuals in the hospitality industry with the knowledge and skills they need to handle food safely and prevent food-borne illnesses from impacting their customer base. It's a critical part of maintaining the highest food safety standards, and a legal requirement throughout Australia.

The course consists of 19 interactive lessons that cover all kinds of critical food safety information, providing students with an overview of key topics, such as:

  • Food safety laws and regulations
  • Food handling and storage
  • Food contamination
  • Allergen management
  • Cleaning and sanitising
  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)

Four assessment tools are used to determine a student’s understanding of the course content – quizzes, case studies, a reading activity and the Observer Report.

Lesson Quizzes

Following each lesson, there is a multiple choice quiz to complete. You have five attempts to score 100 percent in order to move on to the next lesson.

Case Studies

The assessment process also includes two case studies* that are designed to test your ability to apply your newly acquired knowledge to real-life scenarios. After reading the case studies, you will be given a series of multiple choice questions to answer. 

*New South Wales state regulations require students to complete three additional case studies concerning cleaning and sanitising practices, safe egg handling and allergen management.

Reading Activity 

Students must also participate in a reading activity regarding potentially hazardous foods. All you need to do is download and read a PDF document and answer multiple choice quiz questions based on the content.

Observer Report / Declaration

This section is the only part of the course that is completed in-person. It requires you to conduct practical tasks like hand washing while under the observation of a coworker or other food industry professional.

The observer must submit a subsequent report to verify that the activity was completed to a satisfactory standard.

Who Needs to Complete the Food Safety Supervisor Course for Hospitality?

The Food Safety Supervisor course is applicable to a number of roles within the hospitality industry. Here are a few examples:

Restaurant Owners 

If you own a restaurant, cafe, or any establishment that serves food, it's your responsibility to ensure that food safety standards are met. Completing the course can equip you with the knowledge to oversee food safety practices.

Kitchen Staff

Chefs, cooks, and anyone else responsible for food preparation should have a deep understanding of food safety. This course ensures they can maintain the highest standards of hygiene in the kitchen and offer guidance to fellow Food Handlers.

Front of House Staff

Waiting staff, bartenders, and other front of house employees should also have a solid understanding of food safety and follow best practices at all times.

Which Units of Competency Do I Need to Be a Hospitality Food Safety Supervisor?

In Australia, food safety regulations will vary depending on the industry you operate in. Hospitality businesses such as restaurants, bars, hotels and conference centres, have unique requirements that are covered specifically by the Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality.

Following the completion of Food Safety First’s nationally recognised Food Safety Supervisor course, students are awarded a Statement of Attainment. This document outlines the units of competency that have been achieved (an Environmental Health Officer may wish to verify this when inspecting a premises).

To be certified as a Food Safety Supervisor in the hospitality industry, you must complete the following units of competency:

  • SITXFSA005 (Use hygienic practices for food safety): This unit covers the fundamental principles of food safety, including personal hygiene, safe food handling, and the importance of maintaining a clean and hygienic food preparation environment.
  • SITXFSA006 (Participate in safe food handling practices): This unit focuses on practical aspects of safe food handling, including temperature control, preventing cross-contamination, and safe storage of food.

Both units equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the safety of the food you prepare and serve in a hospitality setting. 

Implementing the HACCP System

The Food Safety Supervisor course includes guidance regarding the fundamental principles of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, and how it can be applied in the day-to-day operation of a hospitality business.

HACCP is a consistent framework for food safety. It incorporates the identification, assessment and management of potential hazards throughout each phase of food storage and preparation. Hospitality businesses can use the HACCP system to support with the following processes:

1. Conducting a Hazard Analysis

Identifying potential hazards associated with food and the processes used in its preparation.

2. Determining Critical Control Points (CCPs)

Identifying the points in the process where control measures are necessary to prevent, eliminate or reduce hazards to an acceptable level.

3. Establishing Critical Limits

Setting specific criteria to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable conditions at each CCP.

4. Monitoring Procedures

Implementing procedures to observe and record control at each CCP.

5. Corrective Action

Defining actions to be taken when monitoring indicates a deviation from an established critical limit.

6. Verification Procedures

Confirming that the HACCP system is working effectively.

Establishing Protocols for Safe Food Storage

Given the amount of perishable items they handle on a daily basis, it’s critical for hospitality businesses to establish safe food storage procedures. The Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality covers key topics, including:

  • Temperature control
  • Segregation of raw and cooked foods
  • Accurate labelling and dating of food items

Applying these techniques can help prevent food spoilage, contamination, and food-borne illnesses. Furthermore, meticulous food storage practices can reduce food waste, bringing both environmental and financial benefits.

Maintaining Hygiene Standards

Good personal hygiene practices are a pivotal part of food safety in a hospitality setting as they can significantly reduce the risk of contamination and food-borne illnesses. The Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality reiterates the importance of personal hygiene by covering essential practices such as:

  • Clean clothing and protective gear
  • Using gloves, hairnets, and other personal protective equipment when required
  • Effective hand washing techniques
  • Avoiding food handling tasks when sick to prevent the illnesses spreading

Following precise personal hygiene standards not only forms a foundation for safe food handling, but it also builds trust among customers.

How Long Is a Hospitality Food Safety Supervisor Certificate Valid?

To comply with Standard 3.2.2A, Food Safety Supervisors must obtain a new Statement of Attainment every five years. This requires individuals to repeat the Food Safety Supervisor course.

Complete Your Training With Food Safety First

Whether you run a cafe, restaurant or banquet hall, you and your employees need the right training in order to comply with food safety legislation. Register for the Food Safety Supervisor course for Hospitality today and take the next step towards achieving certification.

Want to learn more before enrolling? Get in touch and discover the ins and outs of the Food Safety Supervisor course.

Important Links

Food Safety Supervisor Course (Level 1 & 2)

Food Safety Supervisor Course (Level 2)

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) 

FSANZ Standard 3.2.2A