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How to Identify Food Poisoning in Children

July 2, 2014

Nobody ever wants to deal with the issue of food poisoning. Whilst we actively take measures to keep our loved ones safe, sometimes infection and illness in the form of food poisoning can still happen. Because of this, it’s important to learn which symptoms indicate food poisoning, so that you can take action as quickly as possible.

Food-borne illnesses

There are numerous microorganisms that can be conducive to food borne illnesses. Some of the most common strains include Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Listeria. Germs such as these are capable of growing on a wide variety of different foods, and can have a significant impact on individuals of any age, however children can become especially unwell.

Food poisoning symptoms

If your child is suffering from an illness as a result of something he or she has eaten, symptoms will typically appear quite quickly after consumption. Some of the most common symptoms are vomiting and fever, excessive flatulence, abdominal cramps and painful diarrhoea.

Sometimes, the symptoms of food poisoning can take a couple of days to die down, but you should ensure that your child remains well hydrated throughout the course of their illness.

When to see a doctor

Though you should always take steps to avoid food poisoning as much as possible, most cases will simply improve on their own over time. However, if you find that your child’s symptoms begin to get worse, or their discomfort becomes too severe, you should make plans to see your doctor as soon as possible.

Medical attention should always be sought out if your child is suffering from bloody diarrhoea, or has experienced vomiting and diarrhoea for more than two days. If the child begins to show signs of dehydration, it is essential to seek the help of a doctor immediately, and this is also important if the child with food poisoning is less than one year old.

To help your child recover from their food poisoning as quickly as possible, stay away from dairy products for a few days, as these can upset the stomach, prolong abdominal cramping, and cause diarrhoea to persist further.