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Modern food safety concerns

March 10, 2014

People are more health conscious today than ever before. One of the ways that this change is beginning to show is through the increased demand in food safety transparency.

Consumers want to be fully informed about their food, and not only know where produce comes from, but also how it was manufactured, and whether the process was ethical. Today, customers want to know that the people in charge are taking measures to keep them safe from food poisoning, contamination, and other food safety hazards.

Three pillars of food safety

According to the World Health Organisation, three primary pillars support the current practices and regulations for food safety today:

  • Appropriate preparation, storage, and use of food in consideration of current standards regarding health regulations
  • Reliable access to consistently sufficient quantities of food
  • The ability to provide sufficient resources in order to give consumers nutritious, and healthy food options

Today’s food safety concerns

One major food safety concern is contamination. It’s difficult to find anyone who isn’t informed about the devastating effects of certain dangerous organisms such as E. coli, Listeria and Salmonella. All of these issues become especially worrying in the case of high-risk consumer groups such as the elderly, young children and pregnant women.

Another important consideration in today’s modern times is biotechnology. Genetically modified foods are still a relatively new development within the world of food safety and nutrition. As such, studies are constantly being conducted into how these foods can offer different options and standards to regular nutrition. Fortified foods are quickly becoming a more common method of ensuring that people can access enough of the nutrients they need from the foods that are available.

Understanding, maintaining and evaluating the safe use of food is world-wide effort, and shouldn’t be left only to the people in charge. Food safety is a responsibility that belongs to everyone, and this fact will only become more obvious as the world’s population continues to grow.