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Safe baby formula practices

April 2, 2014

Though a number of childcare and health experts maintain that breast milk is the optimum choice for feeding infants, it is not always possible for parents to provide that option. Fortunately, there are a number of different options available on the market today when it comes to purchasing nutritious formula for infants.

However, similarly to any consumable or food, it is important for consumers to take into account food safety measures when it comes to preparing and handing formula. In fact, the proper management of formula can be even more essential than any other type of food as infants are much more susceptible to contracting food-borne illnesses.

Keeping formula safe

In order to ensure that you are always providing formula that is safe for your child’s consumption, start by using purified water. Bring a pan of water to a rolling boil and allow it cool naturally to body temperature before you use it to mix formula. Also, ensure that you have sterilised any nipples or bottles that you will be using, even if the items are new. Either wash them by hand, or run them through a dishwasher to get rid of any unwanted bacteria.

Remember, you should never make more baby formula than you intend to use immediately. Any excess formula should not be stored for later, as it can easily become contaminated exposing your baby to extremely dangerous bacteria. Prepare your formula in small quantities as required, and always stick to the instructions that are provided on the packaging by the manufacturers.

Understanding infant formula

Many infant formula products are derived from cows milk. However, this milk has been modified specifically to provide nutrition to babies. Generally, baby formula will have been fortified with the additional nutrients and vitamins that growing infants need. However, sometimes infants are allergic to cows milk, in which cases parents may opt for non-allergenic or soy-based formulas as a substitute.

In order to be approved for sale, all infant formulas must provide the required nutrients, and pass thorough and strict health guidelines that have been put forward by the state. To keep standards high, factories and facilities responsible for the production of infant formula are regularly inspected and monitored.