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Safely eat eggs when dining out

June 10, 2014

For most people, it goes without saying that eggs are a high-risk food product,that should be handled with care. If eggs are not properly prepared and stored, they can cause serious food-borne illnesses and encourage bacteria like salmonella to form. For this reason, many families have learned that it is essential to practice caution when handling eggs.

This process is somewhat easier at home when you purchase, prepare, and serve the eggs yourself. However, how can you be sure of the quality of your eggs when dining out? Keeping the following tips in mind could help you when it comes to staying safe and enjoying eggs in the local deli or restaurant settings.

Check all eggs before you eat them

Before consuming any of the eggs you order when eating out, ensure that they have been properly cooked.

This means that scrambled eggs should not contain any runny parts, and poached, boiled or fried eggs should have firm whites and yolks. Stay away from any egg-based dishes at buffets, as it is impossible to tell how long these may have been sitting out.

Know your food

When it comes to assessing any foods that could contain undercooked or raw eggs, make sure you approach risky meals with caution and if possible, avoid them entirely. It’s a good idea to learn which common foods may contain eggs that haven’t been fully cooked. For example, sauces and spreads such as mayonnaise and hollandaise are worth avoiding, as well as some caesar salad dressings.

A number of Asian ethnic dishes may also include undercooked eggs. Don’t be afraid to ask your waiter about any dishes on the menu that you are unsure about.

Finally, remember that a lot of desserts also contain undercooked or raw egg, such as meringues, tiramisu, ice creams, mousses, and soufflés that are served cold.