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Food Safety Practices for Commercial Kitchens

January 28, 2014

Safe preparation and handling practices are an essential part of any kitchen, but when you run a pub, restaurant, or bar, you’re setting yourself up to deal with a new series of risks.

First of all, these institutions generally have to work with larger volumes of food. Secondly, they are serving the general public, while organising a full staff to ensure everyone does their job well.

Today, customers consider restaurant standards with more scrutiny than ever before. Constant reports, news updates and studies have informed the average consumer of what should be accepted within the food industry, and what should not.

Properly washing food

When you’re preparing food to be eaten, the first step is ensuring that it has been washed or scrubbed thoroughly. Sometimes, washing certain vegetables can be done just before serving, as they may otherwise wilt if cleaned too early. You should never use bleach or soap to clean your produce. Typically, cold water is enough, but you may use a produce brush for tougher items such as potatoes, carrots, and turnips.

Managing staff members

Maintaining high standards of food safety in a commercial setting is about more than preparing and cooking food well. It is also important to ensure that every member of staff knows the standards they should be adhering to, and the guidelines they have to follow. Make sure that your staff regularly wash their hands to avoid cross-contamination, as poor hygiene can cause food-borne illnesses to spread throughout kitchens.

Inspect the kitchen

The manager of a commercial kitchen should always conduct regular inspections of the property to ensure that any problems are detected and dealt with as quickly as possible. You should always be on the lookout for ways to improve the standards of food preparation in your kitchen, from cleaning routines to improving the spaces your staff work in.

Remember, most authority-conducted kitchen inspections will take place without warning, so it’s important to be prepared at all times, and have an up to date food safety program.